Wood County Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan 2023

The Wood County Ad Hoc Bike & Pedestrian Committee is overseeing the development of the Wood County Bike & Pedestrian Plan.

See below for historical plan and meeting information:

1995 Wood County Bike & Pedestrian Plan

Draft Plan Maps
Map 1—Existing Facilities
Map 2—ATV Routes & Trails
Map 3—Snowmobile Trails
Map 4—Traffic Counts
Map 5—Bike Suitability
Map 6—Functional Classification
Map 7—Crash Data

Interactive Map

Please identify important routes, propose new routes, locate areas of concerns, and show us destinations which you like to walk or bike to.
Interactive Map

The development of the Wood County Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan will involve many people including an advisory group. This bicycle planning document is intended to help local governments, non-profits, businesses, and individuals improve walking and bicycling within Wood County.

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) encourages planning for bicyclists at the local level. Guidelines for accommodating travel by bicycles when roadways are reconstructed, or new roads are built, are available and their use is encouraged by WisDOT. When this plan is adopted, then road improvement grants (up to 80% state funds & 20% local funds) become available for local governments to competitively apply for.

The Wood County Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan includes:

An inventory of bicycling conditions and sidewalks, bicycle and pedestrian crashes with vehicles, and bicycle and pedestrian use areas. Researching where crashes occurred will show where some problem areas exist. Other problem locations will be found through analysis of the bicycling conditions on each major road.

Locations of potential bicycle routes and recommendations for roadway improvements. Maps will show where people are riding and where they plan to ride when it is safer to do so. Recommendation may include bicycle lanes in high traffic areas, and possibly no change along roads used more by bicyclists than vehicles (e.g. low volume roads).

Recommend solutions. The plan will include a combination of education, encouragement, engineering, and enforcement strategies to increase walking and biking.

Forest County Potawatomi Community Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan

With assistance from a WisDOT planning grant, the Forest County Potawatomi Community (FCPC) was able to develop a comprehensive bicycle and pedestrian plan to enhance the viability of bicycling and walking as forms of transportation throughout the Forest County Potawatomi Community. The planning project occurred from October 2019 and continued into
the Summer of 2021 with a signifi cant delay resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. The process included data analysis, conceptual planning, public outreach, development of a preferred routing, and detailed cost estimating.

City of Rhinelander Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan 2019

The focus of this plan is to enhance the viability of bicycling and walking as forms of transportation throughout the City of Rhinelander (Map 1). This plan focuses on guidelines for planning bicycle and pedestrian facilities, with general design and funding information included. This plan also examines existing conditions for biking and walking and suggests routes and segments on which to prioritize bicycling and walking improvements.

Langlade County Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan 2019

The focus of this plan is to enhance the viability of bicycling and walking as a form of transportation throughout communities in Langlade County. This plan focuses on guidelines for planning bicycle facilities, with general design and funding information included. This plan also examines existing conditions for biking and walking countywide and suggests routes and segments on which to prioritize bicycling and walking improvements.

Adams County Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan Summary

The primary emphasis of the Adams County Bicycle And Pedestrian Plan is on developing a more bicycle friendly transportation system by establishing a facilities network and bringing all streets up to a minimum level of compatibility. Pedestrian accommodations are also reviewed and improvements are also suggested in this plan. Often the focus of a bicycle plan is solely on a network of improved roads and trails, but it is equally important to consider policies and practices.

Adams County Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan – 2013

The primary emphasis of this plan is on developing a more bicycle friendly transportation system by establishing a facilities network and bringing all streets up to a minimum level of compatibility. Pedestrian accommodations are also reviewed and improvements are also suggested in this plan. Often the focus of a bicycle plan is solely on a network of improved roads and trails, but it is equally important to consider policies and practices. See Chapter 4 to read the vision statement and goals of this plan.

Vilas County Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan 2011

This plan is intended to guide the development of an interconnected bikeway and pedestrian system for Vilas County, Wisconsin. The Vilas Area Silent Sports Association (VASSA), in conjunction with the local area trail groups around the County, prepared this plan to establish a fresh blueprint for its efforts and the efforts of other agencies and organizations with interest in trails and routes within the County. The trails and routes recommended within the plan will connect people to destinations such as employment centers, schools, residential districts, recreation areas and commercial retail areas (downtowns and surrounding shopping areas). This plan incorporates interconnection with neighboring communities and various destinations outside of the County.