Langlade County
Reinhardt Balcerzak
Langlade County
Langlade County

Langlade County is a county located in northern Wisconsin. As of the 2020 census, the population was 19,491. The county seat is Antigo. Langlade County was created in 1879 and is named after Charles Langlade, a prominent fur trader and early settler in Wisconsin. The county is known for its many lakes, forests and outdoor recreational opportunities, including the Langlade County Forest, the Wolf River and the Ice Age Trail. The county is mostly rural with logging and paper mills as major industries. The county has several small towns and communities, including White Lake, Elcho, and Summit Lake. The county is also known for its hunting, fishing, and snowmobiling.
The counties of northeastern Wisconsin have a long history of working cooperatively to address the public safety needs of the area. This latest effort, called the North East Wisconsin Public Safety COMmunications or NEWCOM, will create a group that will identify the communication needs for the area, so the 500 plus law enforcement and public safety organizations can communicate effectively throughout the Region.
The group formed under Intergovernmental Agreement §66.0301, Wis. Stats in 2006
Meetings 2025
February 6th
May 1st
August 7th
November 6th
Sherri Congleton | Vilas County | Chair |
Ryan Berdal | Marathon County | Vice-Chair |
Rozanne Kahan | Price County | Secretary- Treasurer |
Andy Faust | NCWRPC | NEWCOM Contact |
Langlade County All Hazards Mitigation Plan Update 2020
Langlade County All Hazards Mitigation Plan (AHMP) Update describes and documents the process used to develop the plan update. This includes how it was prepared and who (committee, organizations, departments, staff, consultants, etc.) was involved in the update process. It also describes the local government involvement, the time period in which the update was prepared, and who to contact to answer questions and make recommendations for future amendments to the plan.

Elcho Safe Routes to School Plan
This plan was developed by NCWRPC in conjunction with the School District of Elcho, Town of Elcho, and the Elcho SRTS Task Force as part of the North Central Wisconsin Regional Safe Routes to School Program. This Regional program was made possible in part by a Transportation Alternatives Program grant from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. Additional funding was provided by the NCWRPC.

White Lake Safe Routes to School Plan
This plan was developed by NCWRPC in conjunction with the White Lake School District, Village of White Lake, and the White Lake SRTS Task Force as part of the North Central Wisconsin Regional Safe Routes to School Program. This Regional program was made possible in part by a Transportation Alternatives Program grant from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. Additional funding was provided by the NCWRPC.

Town of Polar Comprehensive Plan 2019
A primary reason for a community to prepare a comprehensive plan is to establish a framework for the future, especially as it relates to decisions regarding growth and regulation of development to protect and maintain the health, safety and welfare of the community. A plan also helps to set priorities for public expenditures.

Town of Antigo Comprehensive Plan 2019
A primary reason for a community to prepare a comprehensive plan is to establish a framework for the future, especially as it relates to decisions regarding growth and regulation of development to protect and maintain the health, safety and welfare of the community. A plan also helps to set priorities for public expenditures.

Langlade County Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan 2019
The focus of this plan is to enhance the viability of bicycling and walking as a form of transportation throughout communities in Langlade County. This plan focuses on guidelines for planning bicycle facilities, with general design and funding information included. This plan also examines existing conditions for biking and walking countywide and suggests routes and segments on which to prioritize bicycling and walking improvements.