Resources – Regional Safe Routes To School

HomePedestrian SafetyBicycle SafetySRTS PSAs

Keep Going! Walk & Bike Year-Round

Here is additional advice on how to sustain enthusiasm from walk-bike events to create year-round walking and biking to school:

Low-cost strategies for successful walk & bike to school rates (CDC, 2014)
Full CDC study

FOR KIDS: NHTSA–Kids Walking Guide

FOR PARENTS (Walking): Nat’l SRTS–Teaching Kids To Walk Safely (by age)

FOR PARENTS (Biking): Portland’s Family Biking Guide (all stages of riding)

Bike Parking Guidelines

NCWRPC Walking/Biking Club Toolkit

Railroad crossing signs for SRTS in Wauwatosa, WI

School Success Story – Omro, WI (2010 population: 3,500)
    – Annual bicycle field trip;
    – bicycle mechanics program; and
    – other successes.

Walking School Buses
Walking school buses are a great way to offer children a supervised walk to school on a regular basis.

Bicycle Trains and Bicycle Skills Clinics
Bicycle trains allow students to bicycle to school together on a designated route under supervision. Bicycle Skills Clinics or “bicycle rodeos” are hands-on bicycle safety lesson with bike inspections, safety talks and bicycle skills practice.

Youth Education – available for a nominal fee [Wisconsin Bike Fed].

Adult Education – available for a nominal fee [Wisconsin Bike Fed].

Mileage Tracking
Providing a way for students to track the miles that they have walked or ridden a bicycle is a tangible way to chart progress toward a walking or biking goal.

Links to SRTS surveys:
Class Tally Sheet
Parent Survey (English)
Parent Survey (Español)
Parent Survey (Hmoob)