Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs are an opportunity to make walking and bicycling to school safer for children in grades K-8, and to increase the number of children who choose to walk and bicycle. On a broader level, SRTS programs can enhance children’s health and well-being, ease traffic congestion near the school, and improve community members’ overall quality of life.
Regional SRTS Home | Pedestrian Safety | Resources | Bicycle Safety | PSAs
Planning Process
In 2022, the North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission and School District of Spencer won a WisDOT SRTS planning grant to create a SRTS Plan for Spencer Elementary and Spencer Middle/High School. In the fall of 2022, Spencer and Spencer Public Schools began SRTS Planning with the assistance of the North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (NCWRPC). The NCWRPC guided the Spencer SRTS Task Force through the planning process.
Spencer SRTS Task Force
Mike Endreas, District Administrator
Paul Hensch, Village Administrator/Clerk/Treasurer
Barb Wesle, Spencer School Board
Brooke Krause, Spencer PTA/Parent
Brad Bauer, Spencer Police Department
Edward Ikert, Spencer Elementary School Principal
Fred Heider, Planner, North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission
Make questions or comments about the planning here.
(Email link to submit comments on this plan.)