North Central Wisconsin Regional Recovery Dashboard

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the NCWRPC was awarded a grant from the Economic Development Administration (EDA) to assist with the economic recovery of the Region. Part of the scope of work for the grant included the development of a Regional Recovery Plan. The Regional Recovery Plan includes both short-term and long-term strategies intended to guide the Region’s economic stabilization and recovery from current and future economic shocks and to help foster a resilient and sustainable North Central Wisconsin.

As the Region continues to recover from the pandemic and build towards a more prosperous future, local communities and organizations can use the North Central Wisconsin Regional Recovery Dashboard to help track the Region’s progress on issues that were identified in the Regional Recovery Plan as crucial to the prosperity of North Central Wisconsin.


The counties of northeastern Wisconsin have a long history of working cooperatively to address the public safety needs of the area. This latest effort, called the North East Wisconsin Public Safety COMmunications or NEWCOM, will create a group that will identify the communication needs for the area, so the 500 plus law enforcement and public safety organizations can communicate effectively throughout the Region.

The group formed under Intergovernmental Agreement §66.0301, Wis. Stats in 2006

Meetings 2024
February 1st
May 23rd – Merrill – NEWCOM Mobile Communication Event
August 1st
November 7th

Sherri CongletonVilas CountyChair
Ryan BerdalMarathon CountyVice-Chair
Rozanne KahanPrice CountySecretary- Treasurer
Andy FaustNCWRPCNEWCOM Contact

Intergovernmental Cooperation

The NCWRPC is available to conduct specialized studies on request. In the past, the NCWRPC has completed studies such as merging ambulance services, community consolidation studies, economic impact analysis, and a juvenile detention study.

In addition, the NCWRPC serves as the Regional Clearinghouse and reviews all applications for federal and state assistance throughout the ten-county region for their compatibility with existing plans and programs in the area.

Framework for Regional Development:

The Framework is the NCWRPC’s master plan for the physical development of the Region. This plan creates a framework for consistency and coordination in the preparation of county & local landuse plans.

Forum for Exchange:

The NCWRPC acts as a forum through which different counties and municipalities can communicate with each other about common problems and issues that cross borders. The NCWRPC is designated as an economic development district by the U.S. Economic Development Administration and as a rural transportation planning organization by WisDOT to coordinate economic development and transportation strategies on a regional basis with cooperative efforts to solve local problems.

Intergovernmental Agreements:

The NCWRPC can assist in the development of intergovernmental agreements including cooperative boundary agreements and planning. Intergovernmental agreements can be as simple as agreeing to conduct joint plan commission meetings, share police and fire services, or as complex as tax revenue sharing, and redefining municipal boundaries. Two basic types of agreements are authorized under s.66.023 & s.66.30 WI Stats. Other specialized agreements are possible under a variety of specific statutes.

Cooperative Boundary Agreements – 66.023

The agreement may change boundaries pursuant to an order by the WisDOA. The change is based on a detailed plan. The statute allows the incorporation of a wide variety of other planning tools. These agreements provide flexibility for annexation, zoning, revenue sharing and other inter-municipal activities.

General Agreements – 66.30

A contract between municipal entities to set boundaries or other shared municipal services. Boundaries are set and the parties either commit to maintain them or to allow growth to some ultimate boundary. Agreements may also contain provisions for revenue sharing.

Take the Broadband Speed TestApril 3, 2023statewide
Wisconsin Regional Orthoimagery Consortium (WROC), , , , , , , , , , , , , November 29, 2021adams affiliated forest juneau langlade lincoln marathon multi-county oneida portage regional statewide vilas wood
NCWSC, , January 8, 2021affiliated multi-county regional
NEWCOM, , , , , , , , , , January 8, 2021affiliated forest langlade lincoln marathon multi-county oneida portage regional vilas wood
NRTC, , December 29, 2020affiliated multi-county regional
AWRPC, , December 1, 2020affiliated multi-county regional
NRTCNovember 30, 2020multi-county
Adams County Strategic PlanOctober 1, 2019adams
Adams-Juneau Flood Resiliency Study, December 1, 2018adams juneau
Wisconsin Regional Planning Commissions – 2013 Profile, January 1, 2013multi-county regional
Long-Term Power Outage Preparedness in WisconsinOctober 1, 2010statewide


The Mission of the Northwoods Rail Transit Commission is:

To sustain and enhance safe, reliable and efficient rail service critical to the businesses, communities and economies in northern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.


The Association of Wisconsin Regional Planning Commissions (AWRPC) is a voluntary association of the nine regional planning commissions in the State of Wisconsin. AWRPC convenes meetings of RPC leaders to exchange information and serves as a clearinghouse for State agency communications and involvement with RPCs.

Northwoods NiiJii Enterprise Community, Inc. Comprehensive Strategic Plan – 2014

The Niijii Community is defined by the people who live and work there; the houses and businesses; the parks and cultural features. There are three tribes affiliated with the NiiJii Enterprise Community; they are the Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin and Sokaogon Chippewa Community (aka Mole Lake Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians), see MAP 1. The comprehensive plan provides guidance to the NiiJii Enterprise Community when making future decisions on key community elements. How a community changes, how that change is perceived and how change is managed are the subjects of community comprehensive planning. The plan will provide goals, objectives and policies to successfully grow and advance the communities in five key elements: Population and Housing; Economic Development; Utilities and Transportation; Agriculture, Natural Resources and Cultural; and Land Use. Goals and objectives include key livability principles ensuring future growth that accommodates community member’s needs and desires ultimately working towards a better more sustainable life for the NiiJii Enterprise Community.